AI Tools
Software, Framework & Tools for AI research
- PyTorch (opens in a new tab): An open source machine learning framework that accelerates the path from research prototyping to production deployment.
- CARLA: An Open Urban Driving Simulator (opens in a new tab): An open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
- Open3D (opens in a new tab): An open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.
- VISTA (opens in a new tab): A data-driven simulation engine for autonomous driving perception and control. The VISTA API provides an interface for transforming real-world datasets into virtual environments with dynamic agents, sensor suites, and task objectives.
- Waymax (opens in a new tab): An accelerated, data-Driven simulator for large-scale autonomous driving research
Useful Libraries
- hydra (opens in a new tab): A framework for elegantly configuring complex applications.
- rich (opens in a new tab): a Python library for writing rich text (with color and style) to the terminal, and for displaying advanced content such as tables, markdown, and syntax highlighted code.
- albumentations (opens in a new tab): a Python library for image augmentation. Image augmentation is used in deep learning and computer vision tasks to increase the quality of trained models. The purpose of image augmentation is to create new training samples from the existing data.
- WIMBD: What's In My Big Data? (opens in a new tab): A toolkit created by the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) to help analyze large amounts of text data.